Nikki ThomasGalaxy
Room Teacher
Philosophy: “Children are little comedians and they make me laugh every day. It gives me joy to be with them. I like learning how they come up with their theories when they’re in the middle of constructing some kind of creation. I believe in giving the children as much freedom as possible to explore their environment and their relationships to others.”
Credentials: Nikki started her career in Early Childhood Education in 2004 at Parent-Child Development Center in Oakland and she joined the Daisy staff in 2006. Nikki has studied at Merritt College and Cal State East Bay for her Early Childhood Education teaching credentials.
Lisbeth Palma
Galaxy Room Teacher’s Assistant
Philosophy: “I enjoy engaging children in arts and crafts, music, dance and sports. I also speak Spanish, my first language, to the children daily. I love working with children and appreciate their sense of humor. I want to help them learn new skills every day and to keep them safe.”
Credentials: Lisbeth joined the Daisy staff in 2000, first working in the Star Room before joining the Galaxy Rangers. Lisbeth has taken Extended Education classes in Child Development, learning about setting limits with children, and toddler curriculum.
Please click the appropriate link to read more about Daisy Administration, or the teachers in the Star Room, Rainbow Room, Cloud Room or our Music & Drama teachers.